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tuī verb 往外用力push 推车 push a cart 推铅球 throw the shot put 他从后面推了我一把。 He gave me a push from behind. 他用力一推,门就开了。 He gave the door a mighty push and it opened. 推倒, 顺水推舟 削剪pare 推草坪 mow the lawn 用刨子把桌面推平 smooth out a table top with a plane 推头 碾磨grind 推点白面 grind some wheat into flour 使事情开展push forward 推向极端 push to the extreme 把反贪污运动推向高潮 propel the anti-corruption drive to a climax 推动, 推广, 推销 推迟postpone 推后几天 postpone for a few days 今天能做的事绝不要推到明天。 Never put off till tomorrow what can be done today. 推迟, 推延 推举elect 推为首领 elect sb as leader 推荐, 推举 推崇praise highly 推崇, 推许, 推重 推断infer 推测, 推论, 类推 辞让decline 推辞, 推让 推诿refuse on a certain pretext 推病不去 refuse to go on the pretext of illness 推来推去 make all sorts of excuses




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