

1 děnɡ A. adjective equal 大小不等 vary in size 等于, 相等B. measure word 档次grade 共分三等 be classified into three grades 二/三等品 second-class/third-class goods 同等, 优等 = děnɡ kind 天下竟然有这等事? I just can’t believe such a thing could ever have happened! C. auxiliary literary 表复数[used after a personal pronoun or a personal name to indicate plurality]尔等 you 我等 we 表列举未尽and so on 北京、西安等地 Beijing, Xi’an and some other places 衣服、鞋袜等等 clothes, shoes, socks, and so on 表列举煞尾[indicating the end of an enumeration]北京、天津、上海、重庆等四个直辖市 the four municipalities directly under the Central Government -- Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and Chongqing




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