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duì A. verb literary 切合fit 文不对题 回答reply 对白, 对答, 应对 对付take on 一对一 on a one-to-one basis 第二轮中甲队对乙队。 Team A faces team B in the second round. 朝向face 窗户对着大街。 The window faces the street. 这些话是针对我的。 These words are directed at me. 核对bring two things into contact 对暗号 check the password 符合suit 对胃口 agree with sb 比较check 对笔迹 identify the handwriting 对答案 check the answers 调整adjust 对表 set watches 对焦距 adjust the focus 掺和mix 稀饭里对点add some water to the porridge 平分成两份halve 对半B. adjective 对面opposite 对面 正确correct 这是你的吗? ──对。 Is this yours? — Yes. 你这种态度是不对的。 Yours is not the proper attitude. C. noun couplet 喜对 wedding couplet 对联, 对子D. measure word couple 一对新人 a newly married couple 一对选手 a couple of players E. preposition to 对我有用 be useful to me 对华政策 policy towards China




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