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词汇 break
break | BrE breɪk, AmE breɪk | A. transitive verb past tense broke past participle broken (separate into pieces) 打破 dǎpò window, table; 弄断 nòngduàn stick, chainto break sth open, to break open sth; 把某物砸开 to break sth in half or two 把某物一分为二 she broke the chocolate into eight pieces 她把巧克力掰成了八块 he broke the brick with a hammer 他用锤子敲碎了砖 the bird breaks the shell with its beak 鸟用喙啄破了贝壳 to break an egg/a nut/the ice 打蛋/砸开坚果/破冰 Anatomy 折断 zhéduàn bone, arm, wingto break one's neck 折断脖子 (split open) 划破 huápò skinthe dog bit me, but it didn't break the skin 狗咬了我,但没咬破皮 to break surface «submarine, diver» 浮出水面 (split apart) 拆开 chāikāi set, seal; 拆分 chāifēn line, text (make inoperative) 弄坏 nònghuài radio, watch, torch, camera, etc. (contravene) 违反 wéifǎn law, promise; 破坏 pòhuài embargo, striketo break every rule in the book 违反书中的所有规定 the president broke his word 总裁食言了 to break an appointment 爽约 (exceed, surpass) 冲破 chōngpò sound barrier, class barrierto break the record/speed limit 打破纪录/超速 (interrupt visually) «object» 破坏…的连续性 pòhuài… de liánxùxìng linea group of hills broke the horizon in the distance 远处的群山矗立在地平线上 (end) 打破 dǎpò spell, monotony; 打乱 dǎluàn sequence; 打断 dǎduàn train of thought, concentration, continuity; 中断 zhōngduàn link, contactto break one's silence 打破缄默 (mainly British) (make pause in) 在…中稍停 zài… zhōng shāo tíng to break one's journey 在旅途中停留 Electricity 切断 qiēduàn current, circuit, contact (lessen impact of) 减缓…的势头 jiǎnhuǎn… de shìtóu the hedge helps to break the wind 树篱可挡风 a small tree broke her fall 她摔落时被一棵小树挡了一下 (ruin financially) 使…破产 shǐ… pòchǎn person, organization (crush, overcome power of) 使…垮掉 shǐ… kuǎdiào person, health; 瓦解 wǎjiě organization, resistanceto break sb's/sth's hold over sb/sth; 打破某人/某事物对某人/某事物的控制 to break sb's spirit/resolve 瓦解某人的精神/决心 the death of his wife broke him completely 妻子的去世使他悲痛欲绝 (resolve successfully) 冲破 chōngpò siege, blockade, deadlock; 镇压 zhènyā rebellion; 中止 zhōngzhǐ strike (in tennis) 接…得分 jiē… défēn service; 接…的发球得分 jiē… de fāqiú défēn opponent (give up) 戒除 jièchú habitto break sb/oneself of a habit; 使某人改掉/改掉习惯 (announce) 透露 tòulù to break the news to sb 向某人透露消息 to break it to sb gently 婉转地告知某人此事 (decipher) 破译 pòyì code, cipher (leave) to break camp 拔营 báyíng to break jail 越狱 yuèyù (change for coins) 兑开 duìkāi bill, noteB. intransitive verb past tense broke past participle broken (separate into pieces) «table, ice, box» 破裂 pòliè ; (shatter) «window, egg» 破碎 pòsuì ; (snap) «pencil, bone, neck, wing» 折断 zhéduàn ; (be pulled apart) «shoelace, rope, wool» 拉断 lāduàn to break in half or two 断成两半 (cease to be operational) «radio, watch, torch» 损坏 sǔnhuài (disperse) «clouds» 消散 xiāosàn (stop for a rest) 休息 xiūxi let's break for ten minutes 我们休息10分钟吧 to break for tea/coffee 休息用茶/咖啡 Sport «boxers, wrestlers» 分开 fēnkāi (change) «weather» 突变 tūbiàn the heatwave has broken at last 热浪终于过去了 (begin) «dawn» 开始 kāishǐ we'll leave as soon as day breaks 天一亮我们就动身 (begin violently) 爆发 bàofā the storm broke as they were halfway home 他们回家走到半路时风雨大作 (dissolve) «waves, sea» 迸溅 bèngjiàn to break against/on/over sth; 拍打在某物上溅开 (become known) «news, scandal, story» 突然传开 tūrán chuánkāi breaking news 突发新闻 (get away) «person, animal» 挣脱 zhèngtuō ; «boat» 脱缆 tuōlǎn to break from sth; 挣脱某事物 Medicine (in pregnancy) «waters» (weaken) «health» 垮掉 kuǎdiào ; «spirit, resistance» 瓦解 wǎjiě ; «strength» 削弱 xuēruò to break under sth; 在…之下垮掉 questioning, torture, strainwe'll keep going until we break 我们要走到筋疲力尽为止 (falter) «voice» 变调 biàndiào ; (in adolescence) «boy's voice» 变粗 biàncū to break with sth; 因…而语不成声 emotion, grief, anger Sport (in billiards, pool, snooker) «player» 开球 kāiqiú C. noun (fracture) (instance) 折断 zhéduàn ; (point) 破裂处 pòlièchù a break in an arm/a leg 手臂/腿骨折 (crack, split) 裂缝 lièfèng ; (gap, space) 空隙 kòngxì a break in sth; 某物上的缝隙 (interruption of sequence or process) 中断 zhōngduàn a break in sth; 某过程的间断 a break in a child's education 孩子教育的中断 without a break 不停地 (pause) (in TV, radio programme) 间隙 jiànxì ; (in game, match, performance) 休息 xiūxi a break for advertisements or commercials 插播广告的间歇 to take a break 休息一下 [插播广告时的用语] (rest) 休息 xiūxi a break from sth; 停下某事休息 to have or take a break (from sth/doing sth) (停下某事/做某事)休息一下 to give sb a break (from sth/doing sth) 让某人(停下某事/做某事)去休息 give me a break! informal (stop annoying me) 别烦我了! (stop lying) 别瞎扯了! morning/afternoon break British School 上午/下午课间休息 Linguistics (in word) 移行处 yíhángchù ; (in line) 停顿 tíngdùn ; (in sentence) 省略号 shěnglüèhào ; (in paragraph) 断纸 duànzhǐ [指段落之间的空白处] Electricity, Physics (interruption) (in transmission) 断开 duànkāi ; (in electrical circuit) 断路 duànlù (holiday) 短假 duǎnjià a break from sth; 离开某处的休假 a weekend break in Amsterdam 在阿姆斯特丹的周末度假 (decisive change) 决裂 juéliè a break with sb/sth; 与某人/某事物的决裂 a break in sth; 在某方面的决裂 to make a or the break with … (from family) 与…断绝关系 yǔ… duànjué guānxì (from job) 坚决放弃… Meteorology 突变 tūbiàn a break in the weather 天气的突变 (change of tone) 音调突变 yīndiào tūbiàn a break in sb's voice 某人声音的突变 informal (escape bid) 逃跑 táopǎo a prison break 越狱 yuèyù to make a break for sth/it 向某处逃去/逃跑 informal (opportunity) 机会 jīhuì to give sb a break (help in career) 给某人一次机会 (make allowances) 谅解某人 to give sb an even break 给某人以平等的机会 (in tennis) 接发球得分 jiēfāqiú défēn service break, break of serve 破发球 (in billiards, pool, snooker) (series of shots) 接连击中 jiēlián jīzhòng ; (first shot) 开球 kāiqiú to make a 50 point break 连得50分 (in jazz or popular music) 华彩段 huácǎiduàn PHRASAL VERBS break away A. intransitive verb (become detached, move away) 脱离 tuōlí to break away from sb/sth; 脱离某人/某事物 the young elephant broke away from the herd 小象离群了 (escape) «person, animal, boat, kite» 挣脱 zhèngtuō to break away from sb/sth; 摆脱某人/某事物逃走 Sport «runner, cyclist» 领先 lǐngxiān to break away from sb/sth; 甩开某人/某群 B. transitive verb [break sth away, break away sth] 使脱离 shǐ tuōlí to break the shell away from the egg 剥去蛋壳 part of the cliff had been broken away 悬崖的一部分已经崩落 break down A. intransitive verb (stop functioning) «machine, system» 发生故障 fāshēng gùzhàng (fail) «negotiations» 失败 shībài ; «relations» 破裂 pòliè ; «discipline, agreement» 失效 shīxiào ; «moral values, system, coalition» 崩溃 bēngkuì (collapse mentally or physically) «person, health» 垮掉 kuǎdiào to break down under interrogation/torture; 经不起质问/折磨而垮掉 (weep) «person» 失声痛哭 shīshēng tòngkū (be classified) «results, data» 分类 fēnlèi Chemistry, Biology «compound, substance, food» 分解 fēnjiě to break down into sth; 分解成某物 B. transitive verb [break down sth, break sth down] (knock down) 撞倒 zhuàngdǎo door, barrier(overcome) 克服 kèfú shyness, obstacle, attitude; 瓦解 wǎjiě resistance, oppositionChemistry, Biology (cause to separate into parts) 分解 fēnjiě compound, substance, foodto break sth down into sth; 把某物分解成某物 break in A. intransitive verb (enter forcibly) «thief, fire brigade» 破门而入 pòmén ér rù (interrupt) «noise, action» 打断 dǎduàn to break in on sb/sth; 打断某人/某事 don't keep breaking in! 不要总插嘴! B. [break sth in, break in sth] transitive verb (knock in) 砸破…进入 zápò… jìnrù boxthe police broke the door in 警察破门而入 (wear, use) 把…穿得合脚 bǎ… chuān de héjiǎo shoes; 使…合用 shǐ… héyòng false teeth, tennis racketRiding xùn horseC. [break sb in, break in sb] transitive verb 训练 xùnliàn recruit, noviceto break sb in gently informal humorous 逐渐驯化某人 break into transitive verb [break into sth] (enter by force) 闯入 chuǎngrù house, bankfirefighters broke into the burning building 消防员冲进燃烧的大楼 (open by force) 砸开 zákāi safe, money box, car(start to use) 开启 kāiqǐ new box, new bottle; (resort to using) 动用 dòngyòng emergency supplies, savings(pay with) 兑开 duìkāi note(encroach on) 占用 zhànyòng leisure timehe doesn't want to break into his evening 他不想占用晚上的时间 (begin to do) 突然发出 tūrán fāchū laughter, cheers; (change pace to) 突然加速 tūrán jiāsù run, trotshe broke into song 她突然唱起歌来 the horse broke into a gallop 那匹马突然飞奔起来 (make headway in) 打入 dǎrù market, show businessbreak off A. intransitive verb (snap off) «tip, twig» 折断 zhéduàn (stop doing sth) 突然停止 tūrán tíngzhǐ to break off from sth/doing sth; 停止某事/做某事 he broke off as his wife came into the room (stopped speaking) 妻子一进屋他便不讲话了 B. [break off sth] transitive verb (be snapped off) «end, handle, mast, twig» 从…处折断 cóng… chù zhéduàn C. [break sth off, break off sth] transitive verb (snap off) 折断 zhéduàn handle, twig, mast, partto break sth off sth; 把某物从某处折断 he broke off a piece of chocolate and gave it to me 他掰下一块巧克力给了我 break a bit off the end 从末端折下一点 (stop, terminate) 中断 zhōngduàn activity, meeting; 终止 zhōngzhǐ negotiations; 断绝 duànjué connection, relationsto break off doing sth; 暂停做某事 to break off sth with sb; 与某人断绝某种关系 they've broken off their engagement 他们取消了婚约 break out A. intransitive verb (start) «war, argument, plague» 爆发 bàofā fire broke out on the third floor 大火是从三楼烧起来的 (appear) «spots, pimples» 突然冒出 tūrán màochū to break out over/on sth; 突然布满某处 sweat broke out all over his body 他突然冒出一身汗 (escape) 逃脱 táotuō to break out of sth; 逃出 cage, trap摆脱 bǎituō routine, rut, depressionto break out of prison 越狱 yuèyù B. transitive verb [break sth out, break out sth] 打开…使用 dǎkāi… shǐyòng shall we break out the champagne? 我们开了这瓶香槟酒吧? break out in: transitive verb [break out in sth] 布满 bùmǎn spots, pimplesI broke out in a cold sweat 我冒出一身冷汗 break through A. intransitive verb (force way through) «person, animal, vehicle» 冲过 chōngguo the army broke through 部队突围了 (succeed) 取得突破 qǔdé tūpò to break through in the fight against cancer 在抗癌方面取得突破 (appear) «moon, sun» 露出 lùchū B. transitive verb [break through sth] (force way through) 冲破 chōngpò door, obstacle; 穿透 chuāntòu floor, ground; 突破 tūpò defencethe deer broke through the undergrowth 那只鹿穿过了矮树丛 (overcome) 克服 kèfú to break through sb's reserve 消除某人的矜持 (emerge from) «sun, moon» 从…后露出 cóng… hòu lùchū clouds, fogbreak up A. [break sth up, break up sth] transitive verb (reduce to pieces) 把…弄碎 bǎ… nòngsuì ice, table, chocolate; 拆散 chāisàn machine, jigsaw puzzlefrost had broken up the surface of the road 严寒把路面冻裂了 to break sth up into sth; 把某物拆分成某物 (divide) fēn estate, job, paragraphto break up sth into sth; 把某物分成某物 the academic year is broken up into three terms 一学年分为三个学期 (make more interesting) 使…更有趣 shǐ… gèng yǒuqù evening, journey, routineto break up sth with sth; 用某事物调剂某事物 making food helps to break up the day 做饭可以使日子不至于太单调 (disperse) 解散 jiěsàn party, meeting; 驱散 qūsàn protest, crowd; 制止 zhìzhǐ fightthe troops used tear gas to break up the riot 军队使用催泪弹驱散了骚乱的人群 break it up! (stop fighting) 别打了! (disperse) 散开! humorous (stop kissing) 别亲了! bié qīn le ! (end) 使…解体 shǐ… jiětǐ empire, coalition; 使…破裂 shǐ… pòliè marriage, relationship; 拆散 chāisàn familyto break up a successful team 解散一支成功的球队 this diplomatic incident broke up the alliance between the two countries 这一外交事件导致了两国联盟的解体 B. [break sb up.] transitive verb (mainly US) informal (cause to laugh) 使大笑 shǐ dàxiào C. intransitive verb (be reduced to pieces) «ice, rock, cake» 破碎 pòsuì ; «clouds» 散开 sànkāi to break up into sth; 碎裂成某物 the ship broke up on the rocks 船触礁解体了 (be divided) «empire, party» 分裂 fēnliè to break up into sth; 分裂成某物 (disperse) «meeting, demonstration, people» 解散 jiěsàn British School «school, students» 期末放假 qīmò fàngjià (come to an end) «coalition» 解体 jiětǐ ; «marriage, relationship» 破裂 pòliè (end relationship) «couple» 分手 fēnshǒu to break up with sb; 与某人分手 the band broke up in 2002 该乐队于2002年解散 Radio, Telecommunications 被干扰 bèi gānrǎo I can't hear you; you're breaking up 我听不到你说话;你的信号被干扰了 (mainly US) informal (laugh) 大笑 dàxiào break with: transitive verb [break with sb/sth] (end relationship with) 与…断绝关系 yǔ… duànjué guānxì friend, family, church[break with sth] (no longer follow) 摒弃 bìngqì tradition, old habitsto break with the past 彻底告别过去




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