

词汇 break through
break through A. intransitive verb (force way through) «person, animal, vehicle» 冲过 chōngguo the army broke through 部队突围了 (succeed) 取得突破 qǔdé tūpò to break through in the fight against cancer 在抗癌方面取得突破 (appear) «moon, sun» 露出 lùchū B. transitive verb [break through sth] (force way through) 冲破 chōngpò door, obstacle; 穿透 chuāntòu floor, ground; 突破 tūpò defencethe deer broke through the undergrowth 那只鹿穿过了矮树丛 (overcome) 克服 kèfú to break through sb's reserve 消除某人的矜持 (emerge from) «sun, moon» 从…后露出 cóng… hòu lùchū clouds, fog




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