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tào A. noun 外罩case 沙发套 sofa cover 椅垫套 cushion cover 笔套, 手套, 枕套 棉絮cotton padding 袄套 padded lining of a traditional Chinese jacket 被套 成套set 两件套泳衣 two-piece bathing suit 整套家具 whole set of furniture 这上衣和裤子不配套。 The jacket and trousers do not match. 套装, 成套, 全套 固定的格式或办法formula 套话, 客套, 俗套 knot 活套slip knot 死套fast knot 绳套 指绳具harness 牲口套 harness for a draught animal 圈套trick 落入套中 fall into a trap 下个套 set a trap 圈套 常用于地名bend of a river or curve in a mountain range 河套B. verb 罩外罩cover with 套枕套 put the pillow in the pillowcase 今天早上很冷,你最好套上一件毛衣。 It’s cold this morning. You’d better put a sweater on. 相互衔接overlap 一环套一环 one ring linked with another 套间, 套色, 套种 套用model sth on sth 套公式 apply a formula 套用, 生搬硬套 用绳拴系harness 套马 lasso a horse 把钥匙套在钥匙环上。 Put the keys on a ring. figurative 我的钱大部分都套在股票市场上了。 Most of my money is tied up in the stock market. 套车 拉拢try to win sb’s friendship, favour, etc. 套交情, 套近乎 引出coax sth out of sb 别来套我的话。 Don’t try to coax the secret out of me. 你得用好话套出他掌握的情况。 You have to coax the information out of him. 不正当购买buy illegally 套购, 套汇C. adjective covering 套裤, 套袖D. measure word [used for books, furniture, rooms, methods, etc.] set 两套衣服 two suits of clothes 一套瓷器 a set of china 一套课本 a set of textbooks 他做事自有一套办法。 He has his own special way of doing things.




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