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词汇 望闻问切
望闻问切 wànɡ-wén-wèn-qiè idiom Traditional Chinese Medicine observation, auscultation and smelling, interrogation, and palpitation 望、闻、问、切Four basic methods of diagnosis used in traditional Chinese medicine (中医), known collectively as the ‘si zhen’(四诊, four methods of diagnosis). ‘Wang’(望, observation) refers to observation of the patient's mental state, skin, complexion, etc. Looking at the patient's tongue is an important part of this. ‘Wen’(闻, auscultation and olfaction) involves listening to any sounds and smells produced by the patient. ‘Wen’(问, interrogation) means asking patients questions about their condition. ‘Qie’(切, palpitation) mainly involves taking the patient's pulse.




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