词汇 | 时 |
释义 | 时 (時) shí A. noun ① (季节) season → 时令, 农时, 应时② (时间) time ▸ 等候多时 have waited for a long time → 时不我待, 时差, 时过境迁③ (时段) a period of time ▸ 在空闲时 at one’s leisure ▸ 时近黄昏。 The day is almost out. → 平时④ (时点) fixed time ▸ 准时到达 arrive on time → 按时, 及时, 届时⑤ dated (时辰) [one of the twelve two-hour periods into which the day was divided in China before the introduction of western chronology, each being given the name of one of the 12 Earthly Branches (地支)]→ 丑时, 寅时⑥ (点钟) hour ▸ 上午九时 nine o’clock in the morning ▸ 下午六时十分 ten past six in the afternoon → 时速, 时钟⑦ (时机) opportunity → 时来运转, 背时, 失时⑧ [Linguistics] tense ▸ 过去/将来/现在时 past/future/present tense B. adjective ① (当前) current, present → 时事, 时务, 时下② (一时) momentary ▸ 他一时糊涂偷了钱。 He stole the money in a moment of aberration. → 时机, 时运, 时装C. adverb ① (时常) from time to time ▸ 学而时习之。 Review what you have learned from time to time. → 时时② (时而) occasionally ▸ 时醒时睡 sleep on and off ▸ 时隐时现 appear and disappear ▸ 他的身体时好时坏。 He has been ill on and off. |
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