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shí A. noun 季节season 时令, 农时, 应时 时间time 等候多时 have waited for a long time 时不我待, 时差, 时过境迁 时段a period of time 在空闲时 at one’s leisure 时近黄昏。 The day is almost out. 平时 时点fixed time 准时到达 arrive on time 按时, 及时, 届时 dated 时辰[one of the twelve two-hour periods into which the day was divided in China before the introduction of western chronology, each being given the name of one of the 12 Earthly Branches (地支)]丑时, 寅时 点钟hour 上午九时 nine o’clock in the morning 下午六时十分 ten past six in the afternoon 时速, 时钟 时机opportunity 时来运转, 背时, 失时 Linguistics tense 过去/将来/现在时 past/future/present tense B. adjective 当前current, present 时事, 时务, 时下 一时momentary 他一时糊涂偷了钱。 He stole the money in a moment of aberration. 时机, 时运, 时装C. adverb 时常from time to time 学而时习之。 Review what you have learned from time to time. 时时 时而occasionally 时醒时睡 sleep on and off 时隐时现 appear and disappear 他的身体时好时坏。 He has been ill on and off.




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