

fànɡ verb 不加拘束give way to 她放声笑了。 She burst into laughter. 放任, 豪放 放逐send into exile 放逐, 流放 使自由let go 放他一马 let him through 放点热水洗个澡 run a hot bath 放开我! Let go of me! 交了赎金,就能放你走。 You will be set free when the ransom is paid. 放牧put out to feed 放牛/羊 graze cattle/sheep 开始或停止let out 放假, 放学 使爆炸set off 放爆竹 set off firecrackers 放枪 let off a gun 放烟火 set off rockets 发出give off 放风筝 fly a kite 放光/热 give off light/heat 点燃light 放荒, 放火 分发hand out 发放 借出loan 放高利贷 lend out money at an exorbitant rate of interest 放债 开放bloom 百花齐放 放大enlarge 放照片 blow up a photo 把裙子放长 let out the hemline of a skirt 摆放put 放下武器 lay down one’s weapon 把壶放在炉子上 put the kettle on the stove 把花瓶放在桌子上 put a vase on the table 把人民的利益放在首位 give priority to the interests of the people 别把他那些话放在心上。 Don’t take his remarks to heart. 搁置lay aside 这事不要紧,先放一放。 This isn’t urgent. Let’s leave it for later consideration. 弄倒cause to fall down 放树 cut down trees 放倒 加进去put in 菜里少放点盐。 Don’t put too much salt in the dish. 控制conduct oneself 放慢脚步/速度 slacken one’s pace/speed 放聪明点Be smart! 放老实点! Behave yourself! 播放show 放电影 screen a film 放录像 play a videotape 扩展extend 放大 amplify




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