

shǒu A. noun 指人的上肢末端hand 一双手 pair of hands 手捧鲜花 hold flowers 一手交钱,一手交货 cash on delivery 手拉手, 手忙脚乱, 赤手空拳, 招手 技艺skill 妙手回春, 心灵手巧, 眼高手低 有特长的人person good at sth 多面手, 歌手, 选手 做某种事的人person engaging in a certain activity 帮手, 打手, 扒手B. verb hold in one’s hand C. adjective 便携handy 手镜 hand-mirror 手册, 手炉, 手枪 亲手handwritten 手笔, 手稿, 手令D. adverb personally 手书, 手植E. measure word 指技艺[for skill of proficiency]烧得一手好菜 be good at preparing dishes 写一手好字 write well 有两手 know one’s stuff 留一手, 露一手 指经手次数[used in first-hand, second-hand, etc.]一手资料 first-hand data 二手货 second-hand goods 二手房 previously owned house




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