

词汇 怎么
怎么 zěnme pronoun 用于询问how, what, why 你怎么能那样对他? How could you have treated him like that? 这是怎么回事? What’s all this about? 用于任指[used to indicate the nature, condition, manner, etc. of sth]你愿意怎么办就怎么办。 Do it in any way you like. 我怎么说,你怎么办。 Do as I tell you. 表程度[used in the negative to indicate degree]他不怎么爱说话。 He is not very talkative. 这歌我才学,还不怎么会唱。 I have just started learning the song, and can’t sing it very well yet. 表惊讶what 怎么,连他们都卷进去了? What? Even they are involved? 怎么,她还没好? What? Hasn’t she recovered yet?




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