

词汇 corner
corner | BrE ˈkɔːnə, AmE ˈkɔrnər | A. noun (of page, table, field, mouth, eye) jiǎo ; (of room, box, garden) 角落 jiǎoluò a corner table/seat 角落的桌子/座位 to fold sth (from) corner to corner 把某物对角折叠 to watch/see sb/sth out of the corner of one's eye 用眼角余光观察/瞟见某人/某事物 (of street) 街角 jiējiǎo ; (bend in road) 拐角 guǎijiǎo a corner house 街角的房屋 the store at or on the corner 街角的商店 (just) round or around the corner (around the bend) (就)在街角附近 (nearby) (就)在附近 (jiù)zài fùjìn figurative 即将来临 jíjiāng láilín to turn the corner literal 拐过街角 figurative 好转 hǎozhuǎn to take a corner at 50 mph 以每小时50英里的速度拐弯 to cut (off) a/the corner 抄近路 to cut corners figurative 图省事 (remote place) 偏远地区 piānyuǎn dìqū the four corners of the earth/world 世界各地 in a remote corner of India 在印度的一个偏远地区 a quiet corner 僻静的地方 in the dark corners of his mind 在他隐秘的思想深处 (difficult situation) 困境 kùnjìng to be in a corner 陷入困境 to back or force or drive sb into a corner 把某人逼进困境 to paint or box oneself into a corner 使自己陷入困境 Sport (kick, shot) 角球 jiǎoqiú Sport (of boxing ring) 场角 chǎngjiǎo Business (monopoly) 垄断 lǒngduàn a corner on sth; 对某物品的囤积居奇 to have a corner on iron ore 垄断铁矿石 B. transitive verb (trap) 使…落入圈套 shǐ… luòrù quāntào person; 使…落入陷阱 shǐ… luòrù xiànjǐng animal; figurative 使…陷入困境 shǐ… xiànrù kùnjìng personto be cornered (in sth) (在某处)被逼得走投无路 a cornered animal 困兽 Business (monopolize) 垄断 lǒngduàn commodityto corner the market in sth 垄断某商品的市场 C. intransitive verb «driver, vehicle» 转弯 zhuǎnwān




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