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2 cái adverb 表前提条件not until 我看了报纸,才了解到事情的真相。 I didn’t know the truth until I read the newspaper. 狼只有饥饿时才攻击人。 A wolf will only attack a human being when it is hungry. 刚刚only just 电影才开始。 The movie has just started. 我刚刚才到。 I’ve only just arrived. 只有only 他到美国才一个月,就可以同当地人交流了。 He was able to communicate with the locals only one month after his arrival in the US. 我开始踢球的时候才五岁。 I started playing football when I was just five. 表强调actually 他才不傻呢。 He is no fool. 她才不想一辈子呆在那呢。 She has not the least desire to stay there forever. 表时间晚not until 你怎么这么晚才来上课? Why are you so late for class? 我到半夜一两点才睡觉。 I didn’t go to bed until the small hours.




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