词汇 | 打 |
释义 | 打1 dǎ verb ① (击打) beat ▸ 浪打海岸 waves beating against the seashore ▸ 打门 knock at the door ▸ 敲锣打鼓 beat drums and gongs ▸ 在鼻子上打一拳 give sb a punch on the nose ▸ 雨打在窗子上。 The rain spattered against the window. ▸ 他经常打老婆。 He often beats his wife. ② (打碎) break ▸ 花瓶打了。 The vase smashed. → 鸡飞蛋打③ (攻击) attack ▸ 打一仗 wage a war ▸ 他和那伙人打了起来。 He got into a punch-up with that gang. → 打架, 打援④ (捕猎) catch ▸ 打鱼 catch fish ▸ 打野味 hunt wild game ⑤ (收集) collect ▸ 打柴 gather firewood ▸ 每亩地可打1,000斤粮食。 One mu of land can yield 1,000 jin of grain. ⑥ (汲取) draw ▸ 从井里打水 draw water from a well ⑦ (搅拌) mix ▸ 把蛋清打匀 beat the egg white well ▸ 往锅里打两个鸡蛋 crack two eggs into a pan ⑧ (修筑) build ▸ 打坝 construct a dam ▸ 打墙 build a wall ⑨ (制造) make ▸ 打镰刀 forge a sickle ▸ 打家具 make furniture ⑩ (挖掘) dig ▸ 打井 dig a well ▸ 打眼儿 drill a hole ⑪ (编织) knit ▸ 打草帽儿 weave a straw hat ▸ 打毛衣 knit a sweater ⑫ (标记号) draw ▸ 打个问号 insert a question mark ▸ 打格子 draw squares ⑬ (提或举) hold up ▸ 打灯笼 carry a lantern ▸ 打伞 use an umbrella ▸ 打手电 flash a torch ▸ figurative 打起精神 cheer up ⑭ (收拾捆好) tie up ▸ 打包裹 wrap up a package ▸ 打铺盖卷儿 pack up one’s bedclothes ⑮ (进行) do → 打禅, 打埋伏⑯ (买) buy ▸ 打醋 buy vinegar ▸ 打车票 buy a bus ticket ⑰ (玩) play ▸ 打扑克 play cards ▸ 打球 play ball games ⑱ (写) write ▸ 打报告 write a report ▸ 打底稿 make a draft ⑲ (扣结) tie → 打结⑳ (去除) get rid of ▸ 打蛔虫 cure sb of intestinal worms → 打尖, 打胎㉑ (发出) fire ▸ 打枪 fire a gun ▸ 打电话 make a phone call → 打雷㉒ (加进) inject → 打点滴, 打气㉓ (指说话方式) adopt a certain manner → 打官腔, 打马虎眼㉔ (预算) estimate ▸ 酒水打五十元 estimate the expenses for beverages at 50 yuan㉕ (想) design → 打算盘, 打主意㉖ (办理) deal with ▸ 打离婚 file for divorce → 打官司, 打交道㉗ (表动作发生) go through ▸ 打踉跄 stagger ▸ 打手势 make gestures → 打嗝儿, 打滚㉘ (错定为) label sb as ▸ 他曾被打成现行反革命。 He was labelled as an active counter-revolutionary. ㉙ (指折扣) give a discount ▸ 打九五折 give a discount of 5% ㉚ (与及物动词连用) [used with another transitive verb to form a compound verb]→ 打扮, 打捞, 打听㉛ (与不及物动词连用) [used with an intransitive verb to form a new verb]→ 打败, 打倒㉜ (表状态) [used with an adjective to form a compound word indicating a state]→ 打蔫儿㉝ (脱粒) thresh ▸ 打稻子 husk rice ▸ 打麦子 thresh wheat → 打场 |
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