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A. verb 挨着stand close together 比肩而立 stand shoulder to shoulder 比邻, 比翼双飞 依附collude with 朋比为奸 较量compete with 比奉献 strive to outdo each other in making contributions 比力气 rival sb else in strength 比武, 对比 比较compare 和去年相比 in contrast with last year 不比不知道,一比吓一跳。 Comparison makes one keenly aware of one’s limitations. 相当match 两者根本没法比。 There is no comparison between the two. 说起容貌,我比不上她。 I can’t rival her in looks. 今非昔比 Mathematics be the ratio of 3比5 three to five 指得分be against 我们以二比一获胜。 We won the match by two to one. 依照emulate 比着旧衣裁新衣 pattern a new garment on an old one 将心比心 比画gesticulate 连说带比 gesticulate as one talks 类推draw an analogy 莎士比亚把世界比作舞台。 Shakespeare compared the world to a stage. B. preposition than 比去年上升2% two per cent up on last year 生活一天比一天好。 Life is getting better and better. 我弟弟比我小三岁。 My brother is three years my junior. C. noun ratio 该校将改善师生比。 The school is trying to improve its pupil-teacher ratio. 比例, 比率




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