词汇 | 生 |
释义 | 生1 shēnɡ A. verb ① (生长) grow ▸ 这块地只生野草,不长庄稼。 Nothing can grow on this piece of land but grass. → 生长, 野生② (生育) give birth to ▸ 生孩子 have a baby → 生儿育女, 亲生③ (出生) be born ▸ 他生在美国。 He was born in America. → 生老病死, 诞生, 降生④ (产生) breed ▸ 一闲生百邪。 An idle brain is the devil’s workshop. → 生效, 急中生智⑤ (点燃) light ▸ 生炉子 light a stove → 生火⑥ (活着) exist → 生还, 起死回生B. noun ① (读书人) scholar → 儒生, 书生② (学生) student → 考生, 招生③ [Theatre] sheng [the male role, one of the four main roles in traditional Chinese opera]→ 生旦净丑, 武生, 小生④ (指专业人员) people taking up certain jobs as their occupation → 学生, 医生⑤ (生命) life → 轻生, 丧生⑥ (一辈子) one’s life → 今生, 终生⑦ (生计) means to maintain life ▸ 以打鱼为生 depend on fishery for one’s livelihood → 谋生, 营生⑧ (陌生人) stranger → 欺生, 认生C. adjective ① (活的) alive → 生龙活虎, 生物② (指食物) uncooked ; (指果实) unripe ▸ 生鸡蛋 raw egg ▸ 生苹果 unripe apple ▸ 黄瓜可以生吃。 Cucumbers can be eaten raw. → 夹生饭③ (未加工的) unrefined → 生漆, 生铁④ (陌生) strange ▸ 刚到这里,工作很生。 I’m new here, so I’m not familiar with the work. → 生僻, 陌生D. adverb ① (生硬) stiffly → 生搬硬套, 生硬② informal (硬是) just ▸ 事情生让他们搅和坏了。 They had actually messed it up. ③ (非常) very ▸ 生痛 ache terribly → 生怕 |
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