

词汇 decision
decision | BrE dɪˈsɪʒ(ə)n, AmE dəˈsɪʒən | noun countable (choice) 决定 juédìng a decision about sth/to do sth; 关于某事/做某事的决定 to make or take a decision 作决定 zuò juédìng to come to or reach a decision; 作出决定 the final decision is yours 最终的决定权在你手里 countable (conclusion, judgement) 判决 pànjué a decision on sth; 对某事的判决 the referee's decision is final 裁判的判决不可更改 uncountable (making up one's mind) 作决定 zuò juédìng the moment/burden of decision 作决定的时刻/重任 uncountable (decisiveness) 果断 guǒduàn to do sth with decision 果断地做某事




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