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词汇 declare
declare | BrE dɪˈklɛː, AmE dɪˈklɛr | A. transitive verb (announce) 宣告 xuāngào to declare war on sb; 向某人宣战 to declare a state of emergency 宣布进入紧急状态 to declare sb guilty/the winner 宣布某人有罪/获胜 I declare the meeting closed 我宣布会议结束 (state firmly) 断言 duànyán ; (proclaim) 宣布 xuānbù to declare that …; 宣称… ‘this has never happened before,’I declared “这事以前从没发生过,”我断然地说 a declared atheist 公开表态的无神论者 (for tax or legal reasons) 申报 shēnbào goods, incomenothing to declare 没有什么要申报 to declare one's interest in a company 申报在公司的股份 B. intransitive verb (make choice) 表态 biǎotài to declare for/against sb/sth; 声明支持/反对某人/某事 US Politics 宣布竞选总统 xuānbù jìngxuǎn zǒngtǒng the Governor of California is expected to declare tomorrow 加利福尼亚州州长可能于明天宣布竞选总统 (in cricket) [在所有击球手出局前] 宣布结束赛局 xuānbù jiéshù sàijú Hampshire declared at 420 for 6 汉普郡队以420比6主动结束该局比赛 C. to declare oneself reflexive verb to declare oneself to be sb/sth; 宣称自己是某人/某情况 xuānchēng zìjǐ shì mǒu rén/mǒu qíngkuàng




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