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ɡuǎn A. noun 指乐器wind instrument 管弦乐, 单簧管 圆筒tube 钢管, 软管 管状物valve 电子管, 显像管 Physiology duct B. measure word [for tube-shaped objects]一管笛子 a flute 两管毛笔 two writing brushes C. verb 管理administer 管得宽 make everything one’s own business 这一地区归陕西省管。 This district is under the jurisdiction of Shaanxi Province. 负责be in charge 管家务 manage a household 主管一个分店 be in charge of a branch 这种事不属我管。 Such matters are beyond the scope of my charge. 约束subject sb to discipline 管教 过问be concerned 管闲事 concern oneself with other people’s business 不要管别人的私事。 Don’t interfere in others’ personal affairs. 少管闲事! Mind your own business! 提供supply 管吃管住 provide sb with food and accommodation 管饱 guarantee adequate food D. conjunction despite 管它天晴还是下雨,我都得回家。 Rain or shine, I must go home. E. preposition [used in the pattern 管…叫…] call 管他叫“老板” call him ‘boss’ dialect to 没钱管你爸要。 Go to your father if you need money.




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