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yóu A. verb 经过pass through 必由之路, 言不由衷 literary 遵循adhere to 率由旧章 任由follow 由着性子 do as one pleases 信不信由你。 Believe it or not. 不由自主, 听天由命B. preposition 经由by 由边门出/进 exit/enter by the side door 由此入内。 This way in. from 由南往北 from south to north 由弱变强 go from weak to strong by 由我请客。 This is my treat. 所有的维修费用由我公司承担。 All the costs of the repairs will be borne by our company. 通过by means of 由前提推导出结论 draw conclusions from prerequisites 由此可见 thus it can be seen 代表由民主协商选举产生。 The representatives were elected after democratic consultation. 因为due to 他的肺炎是由感冒引起的。 His pneumonia was caused by a common cold. 咎由自取C. noun cause 理由, 事由, 缘由




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