

词汇 讲话
讲话 jiǎnɡhuà A. verb 说话talk 会上大家都讲了话。 Everybody spoke at the meeting. 她很会讲话。 She is a very good speaker. 批评criticize 你搞特殊,人家当然要讲话。 You seek personal privileges and naturally others will take you to task for it. B. noun 讲演speech 发表电视讲话 make a televised address 精彩/振奋人心的讲话 excellent/inspiring speech 劳模的讲话使听众深受感动。 The model worker’s speech moved his audience deeply. 解释[often used in book titles] guide 《现代汉语语法讲话》 A Handbook of Modern Chinese Grammar




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