

词汇 awake
awake | BrE əˈweɪk, AmE əˈweɪk | A. adjective (not asleep) 醒着的 xǐngzhe de half awake 半睡半醒的 to lie awake 毫无睡意地躺着 to shake sb awake 把某人摇醒 to be wide awake 毫无睡意 (aware) 意识到的 yìshí dào de to be awake to the dangers 意识到各种危险 B. transitive verb past tense awoke past participle awoken (from sleep) 唤醒 huànxǐng figurative 唤起 huànqǐ the incident awoke old memories 这件事勾起了对往事的回忆 C. intransitive verb past tense awoke past participle awoken (from sleep) 醒来 xǐnglái (become aware) 察觉 chájué to awake to sth; 意识到某事物




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