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词汇 away
away | BrE əˈweɪ, AmE əˈweɪ | A. adverb (not present, gone) 不在 bùzài I have to be away by 10 我10点钟之前一定要走 to be away (from work) 缺勤 (from school) 缺课 to be away on holiday/business 外出休假/出差 (distant in space) 在…距离处 zài… jùlí chù ; (distant in time) 间隔…的时间 jiàngé… de shíjiān 50m away 50米之外 stand away from the edge 远离边沿 the exam is only days away 没几天就要考试了 we live 3 hours away from London 我们住在离伦敦有3个小时行程的地方 away with you! (go away) 滚开! (nonsense) 胡说! (from here/there) 向别处 xiàng biéchù to crawl away 爬走 to drive away 驾车离开 the shift away from traditional values 对传统价值观的偏离 to move away from party orthodoxy 偏离党派的正统观念 (for emphasis) [用于强调]away over on the other side of the lake 远在湖对面 away back in 1920/in the old days 早在1920年/在很久以前 Sport 在客场 zài kèchǎng play, winB. adjective attributive Sport 在客场的 zài kèchǎng de goal, matchthe away team 客队 predicative British informal (drunk) 醉酒的 zuìjiǔ de to be well away; 酩酊大醉




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