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词汇 过去
过去 ɡuòqu verb 表离开pass 你过去帮她一把。 Go and help her. 事情已经过去了,再别想它了。 The accident is behind you now, so forget about it. 一眨眼,三十年过去了。 Thirty years passed in a flash. 表经过[indicating motion away from the speaker]警车从右边超了过去。 The police car passed on the right. 我从她身旁径直走了过去。 I passed by her without stopping. 表调转方向[indicating turning away from sb]请转过去,我看看你的背部。 Turn round and let me look at your back. 她把头转了过去。 She turned her head away. 表状态[indicating loss of the original/normal state]当场吓得昏了过去 faint from fright on the spot 表通过[indicating success of an action]不让任何拼写错误漏过去 not allow any spelling mistakes to get through 没有你的帮助,我也能应付过去。 I can get by without your help.




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