

词汇 baby
baby | BrE ˈbeɪbi, AmE ˈbeɪbi | A. noun (child) 婴儿 yīng'ér she's going to have a baby 她马上要生孩子了 don't be such a baby! informal 别这么孩子气! to be left holding the baby figurative 被迫做苦差事 to throw the baby out with the bathwater figurative 把婴儿和洗澡水一起倒掉 smooth as a baby's bottom 十分光滑 (youngest member) 最年幼的成员 zuì niányòu de chéngyuán informal (pet project) 钟爱的项目 zhōng'ài de xiàngmù the show/project is his baby 这个展览/项目是他的得意之作 (mainly US) informal (girlfriend) 女友 nǚyǒu ; (boyfriend) 男友 nányǒu ; (as address) 宝贝儿 bǎobèir B. adjective before noun (young) 幼小的 yòuxiǎo de a baby daughter/son 小女儿/儿子 a baby bird 幼鸟 (for a baby) 婴儿用的 yīng'ér yòng de baby clothes 婴儿服装 yīng'ér fúzhuāng C. transitive verb informal derogatory 百般呵护 bǎibān hēhù




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