

chá noun 茶叶tea 采茶 pick tea 绿茶, 普洱茶, 茶树, 茶叶 茶饮tea 给客人上茶 serve tea to guests 喝茶 drink tea 品茶 taste tea dated 聘礼betrothal gift 下茶 send betrothal gifts to a bride 茶礼 饮料certain kind of drink or liquid food 杏仁茶 almond paste 奶茶, 油茶 茶色dark brown colour 茶镜, 茶色 油茶树tea-oil tree 茶油 山茶camellia 茶花Tea originated in China, and tradition has it that the use of tea leaves was invented by Shen Nong (神农), the father of Chinese agriculture. In earliest times, tea had a medicinal use, later becoming a popular beverage. The main area of tea cultivation is central, south-east and south-west China. Different methods of processing produce green tea, black tea, oolong tea and fragrant tea. The world's first monograph on tea, the Classic of Tea (《茶经》), appeared in the Tang Dynasty. The purple-clay teapots of Yixing in Jiangsu Province are particularly famous.




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