

ɡēn A. noun heel 低跟鞋 low-heeled shoes 后跟, 脚跟B. verb 跟随follow 紧跟其后 follow close on the heels of 跟我读。 Read after me. 她到哪我跟到哪I followed her wherever she went. 嫁给marry (sb) 她最后跟了一个姓王的。 She finally married someone called Wang. C. preposition 引出行为对象with 跟某人告别 say good-bye to sb 我有话要跟你讲。 I want to have a word with you. 表示在一起with 跟孩子们住在一起 live with one’s children 跟朋友合伙做生意 carry on business in partnership with one’s friend 这事跟我没关系。 It has nothing to do with me. 表比较as 跟以往一样 same as before 不能跟某人/某物相比 cannot be compared with sb/sth D. conjunction and 中国跟美国都是大国。 Both China and America are big countries.




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