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A. noun 道路road 问路 ask sb the way 修路 mend a road 养路 maintain a road/railway 指路 give directions 筑路 build a road 乡间小路 country road 此路不通。 No through road. 道路, 公路 路程journey 路不远,开车去只要十五分钟。 It’s not far; it’s only a fifteen minute drive. 他们走了五公里路。 They covered a distance of five kilometres. 途径way 无路可走 have no way out 路子, 财路, 门路, 生路 轨迹line 思路, 纹路 线路route 6路公共汽车 No 6 bus 三路进军 advance along three routes 区域region 各路人马 people from all walks of life 南路货 products from the south 外路B. measure word kind 这路人 this type of person 大路货, 一路货色 行列line 排成一路 form a line 士兵们按四路纵队前进。 The soldiers marched in fours.




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