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lài A. verb 依靠depend on 赖以生存的环境 the environment on which we rely 取胜有赖于大家共同的努力。 Progress depends on our concerted efforts. 百无聊赖, 信赖, 依赖 撒泼drag out one’s stay in a place 孩子们眼馋路边地摊上的玩具,赖着不肯走。 Covetously eyeing the toys at the vendor’s roadside stand, the children couldn’t tear themselves away. 抵赖shirk one’s responsibility 事实确凿,赖是赖不掉的。 Facts speak for themselves. It’s no use trying to deny them. 赖账, 抵赖 诬赖shift the blame onto sb else 她一有错就赖别人。 She always shifts the blame onto others. 怪罪blame 这次输球不能赖他一个人。 We should not blame the loss of the game on him alone. B. adjective 无赖shameless 赖皮, 耍赖 informal bad 不分好赖 make no distinction between good and bad 今年收成不赖。 This year’s harvest is quite good.




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