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zǒu verb run 走马观花, 奔走相告 步行walk 走错路 take the wrong road 走回家 walk home 走出病房 go out of the ward 我们必须走改革的道路。 We must pursue the reform road. 离开leave 把椅子搬走。 Take the chair away. 他刚走。 He left just a moment ago. polite expression euphemistic 过世pass away 她终于撒手走了。 She finally passed away. 移动move 走错一步棋 make a wrong move in chess 船走得很慢。 The ship moved very slowly. 钟不走了。 The clock has stopped. 泄漏let slip 走了风声 have leaked out the secret 说走了嘴 let slip a remark 走漏 改变depart from the original 走板, 走样 通过do sth in a particular way 走水路到大连 travel to Dalian by water 来往visit, call on 他们两家走得很勤。 The two families visit each other frequently. 走亲戚




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