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词汇 about
about | BrE əˈbaʊt, AmE əˈbaʊt | A. preposition (concerning, regarding) 关于 guānyú a book/film about sth 有关某内容的书/电影 I'm ringing about my results 我打电话来问一下我的检查结果 what was all that about? 这到底是怎么回事? (bound up with) 为了 wèile business is about making profits 做生意就是为了赢利 (in the nature of) 在…的特征中 zài… de tèzhēng zhōng what I like about her is her frankness 我喜欢她的地方是她的直率 there's something odd about him 他这人有点怪 there's something about the place that intrigues me 这地方总有什么东西让我着迷 (occupied with) 从事于 cóngshì yú to know what one is about 明白自己在做什么 while you're about it 趁着你干这件事的时候 (and) be quick about it! 快点干完! (mainly British) (in many directions within, in many parts of) 在…各处 zài… gè chù we wandered about the town all afternoon 我们整个下午都在城里四处游逛 he looked anxiously about the room 他在房间里焦急地四下察看 (in invitations, suggestions, when soliciting opinions) [用于邀请、建议、询问]what/how about sb/sth?; 某人/某事物怎么样/如何? how about a drink? 来一杯怎么样? what about going into town? 进城去好吗? how about you? 你呢? (with) 在…身上 zài… shēn shang he said he had no money about him 他说他没带钱 to have drugs/weapons about one's person 身上藏有毒品/武器 British (surrounding) 围绕着 wéiràozhe ; (on either side of) 在…两侧 zài… liǎng cè there were trees about the house 屋子四周绿树环绕 B. adverb (approximately) 大约 dàyuē at about 6 p.m. 下午6点左右 (and) about time too! 再说正是时候呢! that's about it (that's all) 就是这些 (that's the situation) 就是这样 as far as I know, that's about it 据我所知,就这么回事 (almost) 几乎 jīhū we're about ready 我们差不多准备好了 I've had just about enough 我差不多吃饱了 (mainly British) (within area) 在四周 zài sìzhōu I had difficulty finding my way about 我不知该怎么走 there was no one about 附近没有人 (mainly British) (in circulation) 存在着 cúnzàizhe there was a lot of flu about 那时流感正在肆虐 (mainly British) (indicating reverse position) 向相反方向 xiàng xiāngfǎn fāngxiàng it's the wrong way about 方向搞反了 C. adjective (expressing future intention) 刚要…的 gāng yào… de we're (just) about to start 我们正要开始 (awake and out of bed) 活动中的 huódòng zhòng de to be up and about [睡醒或病愈后] 起来四处走动 you were up and about early this morning 你今天早晨起来得很早嘛 (rejecting course of action) 愿意 yuànyì I'm not about to tell him 我不想告诉他




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