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fēnɡ A. noun 指空气流动wind 刮风下雨。 It is windy and raining. 起风了。 A wind picked up. 北风, 逆风, 信风 风气tendency 树新风 foster healthy tendencies 校风 spirit of a school 此风不可长。 This tendency is not to be encouraged. 风土人情, 歪风邪气 姿态bearing 风采, 风范, 作风 景象scene 风光, 风景 消息news 她一点风都不漏。 She wouldn’t drop the slightest hint. 通风报信, 闻风而动 指民歌one of the three sections of The Book of Songs (《诗经》), consisting of ballads 指致病因素disease-causing element 风寒, 风湿 指疾病[used in certain disease names]白癜风, 鹅掌风B. verb 吹干air 风干 吹净winnow 小麦已晒干风净。 The wheat has been sun-dried and winnowed. C. adjective 风干air-dried 风肉 air-dried meat 很快swift as the wind 风发, 风行 无根据rumoured 风传, 风闻, 风言风语




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