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词汇 cheap
cheap | BrE tʃiːp, AmE tʃip | A. adjective (low in price) 便宜的 piányi de it's cheap to produce 这生产起来造价不高 it works out cheaper to take the train 算下来坐火车更便宜 the cheap seats 廉价座位 cheap and cheerful 物美价廉 life is cheap 人命不值钱 on the cheap 便宜地 piányi de (good value) 合算的 hésuàn de it's cheap at the price 以这个价购买,物超所值 this shirt is very cheap at £15.00 这件衬衫价格15英镑很划算 (shoddy) 劣质的 lièzhì de furniture, wineit's cheap and nasty 这东西质劣价低 (insincere) 浅薄的 qiǎnbó de flattery, compliment; (worthless) 无价值的 wújiàzhí de (easy) 不费力的 bù fèilì de a cheap thrill 唾手可得的刺激 talk is cheap 说空话不费力 (mean) 粗鄙的 cūbǐ de joke, remark, trick; 卑鄙的 bēibǐ de behavioura cheap shot 恶意的中伤 to feel cheap 感到低三下四 B. adverb informal 便宜地 piányi de they're going cheap 他们在降价销售




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