

词汇 cheek
cheek | BrE tʃiːk, AmE tʃik | A. noun countable (of face) 面颊 miànjiá to dance cheek to cheek 跳贴面舞 cheek by jowl 紧挨着 to turn the other cheek figurative 甘心容忍 countable (in mouth) 内颊 nèijiá countable informal (buttock) 半边屁股 bànbiān pìgu uncountable informal (impudence) 厚颜无耻 hòuyán wúchǐ to have the cheek to do sth 竟有脸做某事 what a cheek! 真不要脸! she's got a (bit of a) cheek 她真是(有点)无耻 B. transitive verb British informal 无礼地对…讲话 wúlǐ de duì… jiǎnghuà




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