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shāo A. verb 燃烧burn 把木头烧成木炭 burn wood for charcoal 火烧得正旺。 The fire is ablaze. 木房子很快就烧起来了。 The wooden house caught fire quickly. 这只炉子是烧油的。 This stove is an oil-burner. 烧荒 加热heat 烧砖 fire bricks 水烧开了。 The water is boiling. 陶器是用文火焙烧的。 Pottery is fired at a moderate heat. 腐蚀burn 硫酸烧坏了他的手。 His hands were burnt by sulphuric acid. 指肥料damage by excessive use of fertilizer 施肥过多会烧坏庄稼。 The crops will be damaged by excessive application of fertilizer. 烹饪a 烹煮cook 饭烧好了没有? Is dinner ready? 他烧一手地道的中国菜。 He cooks Chinese food well. b stew after frying ; fry after stewing 烧茄子 stewed eggplant c roast, braise 烧鹅 braised goose 烧土豆 roast potato 发烧run a fever 烧到39°C have a temperature of 39°C 他现在烧得很厉害。 He is burning up. 熔断blow 空调的保险丝烧了。 The fuse of the air conditioner blew. B. noun fever 烧正在退。 The fever is abating. C. adjective informal big-headed 钱使她烧得慌。 Money has given her a big head. 他买彩票中了头彩,烧得不知怎么好了。 He’s become full of himself since hitting the jackpot.




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