

词汇 brood
brood | BrE bruːd, AmE brud | A. noun plus singular or plural verb (of birds, small mammals) 一窝 yī wō informal humorous (of children) 一大家孩子 yīdàjiā háizi B. intransitive verb (think) 忧思 yōusī to brood about or on or over … 为…而焦虑 problem, event 因…而闷闷不乐 yīn… ér mènmèn bù lè disappointmentthere's no point (in) brooding about things 担忧也无济于事 Zoology «bird» 孵蛋 fū dàn literary (loom) to brood over sth; «cliffs, castle» 森然矗立于某物上方 «darkness, dark clouds» 笼罩某物 lǒngzhào mǒu wù




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