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zhào A. verb 照射shine 阳光照在窗户上。 The sunbeams fell on the window. 用手电筒照一照。 Light it with your torch. 照明, 照耀, 日照 明白understand 心照不宣 告知notify 照会, 关照, 知照 反射影像reflect 照镜子 look in the mirror 查对contrast 查照, 对照 看管take care of 照管, 照看, 照应 照相take a photo 这张照片照得很好。 This photo is well taken. 请给我照一张。 Please take a picture of me. 照相, 拍照 按标准做do according to a standard 照发, 照办B. noun 阳光sunshine 夕照 照片photograph 结婚照 wedding photograph 近照 recent photo 小照, 玉照 执照licence 车照 car licence 无照驾驶/经营 drive/run without a licence 护照, 执照C. preposition 根据in accordance with 照原计划办 hold to the original plan 照这个样子做。 Do it like this. 如有损坏,照价赔偿。 Pay the full price in case of damage. 对着in the direction of 照这个方向走。 Go in this direction.




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