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词汇 通过
通过 tōnɡɡuò A. verb 经过pass (through) 通过敌人的封锁线 get through the enemy blockage 队伍通过了沙漠。 The troops crossed the desert. 路太窄,汽车不能通过。 The road is too narrow for motor vehicles to pass along. 成立生效pass 通过决议 pass a resolution 举手通过提案 pass a motion by a show of hands 他的发明通过了专家/技术鉴定。 His invention has passed the experts’ appraisal/technical tests. 经由request approval 通过领导 be approved by the authorities 这个问题要通过群众,才能作出决定。 The decision should not be made until the masses have been consulted. B. preposition through 通过对话解决争端 settle a dispute through dialogue 通过外交途径协商解决 make a compromise settlement through diplomatic channels




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