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jǐn A. adjective 绷紧tight 把绳子拉紧 pull the rope taut 鼓面绷得紧紧的。 The drum face is very stretched. 牢固firm 拧紧螺母 screw the nut tight 她紧紧抓住我的胳膊。 She held me tightly by the arm. 靠近close 紧挨着 be close to 这双鞋我穿着太紧。 These shoes are too tight for me. 这抽屉太紧,我打不开。 The drawer is so tight that I can’t open it. 紧接着quick 事情一件紧接着一件发生。 One incident follows close on another. 严格strict 老师对我们的学习抓得很紧。 Our teacher works us very hard. 紧张tense 任务很紧。 The task is urgent. 我们时间很紧。 We are pressed for time. 风声很紧。 The situation is getting tense. 不宽裕short of money 他手头紧。 He’s hard up. 眼下银根正紧。 Money is short at the moment. 紧迫urgent 日程很紧 have a tight schedule 功课很紧。 The schoolwork is pressing. B. verb tighten 紧裤带/鞋带 tighten one’s belt/shoelace 紧一紧弦 tighten the strings




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