

词汇 bad
bad | BrE bad, AmE bæd | A. adjective comparative form worse superlative form worst (unpleasant, unfavourable, negative) 不愉快的 bù yúkuài de holiday; 不好的 bù hǎo de weather, news, sign, result, reaction; 艰难的 jiānnán de timea bad dream 噩梦 the patient had a bad night 病人难受了一个晚上 he's had a bad day 他今天很倒霉 not bad (at all) (相当)不错 that's bad! 真遗憾! it has its good points and its bad points 它有利有弊 it's been a bad year for apples 今年苹果歉收 it looks bad 看来情况不妙 taste A, job A8 (of low standard or quality, incompetent, unacceptable) 劣质的 lièzhì de book, performance; 不好的 bù hǎo de advice, harvest, school; 不正确的 bù zhèngquè de decision, pronunciation, spelling; 贫瘠的 pínjí de soil, land; 昏暗的 hūn'àn de lightproblems due to bad workmanship 粗制滥造引起的问题 the shoes are a bad fit 鞋不合脚 the portrait is not a bad likeness 这幅肖像画跟本人还是蛮像的 she's a bad singer 她歌唱得难听 you're a bad liar 你说的谎不高明 to be bad at sth/doing sth; 不擅长某事/做某事 that's not so bad: it could have been worse 还不算太糟:本来可能更糟 too bad (sympathetic) 太可惜了 (unsympathetic, impatient) 太倒霉了 (angry) 太不像话了 a bad business 不幸的事 riddance (rotten) 腐坏的 fǔ huài de fooda bad tooth 蛀牙 a smell of bad eggs 臭鸡蛋的气味 to go bad 腐烂 (ill) (with a weakness) 生病的 shēngbìng de ; (with injury) 受伤的 shòushāng de to have a bad heart 有心脏病 ouch! that's my bad finger! 哎唷!我那根手指有伤! how are you? — not so bad (in health) 你感觉怎么样?──还可以吧 (in reply to greeting) 你好吗?──还行 to feel bad 感觉不舒服 to be in a bad way informal (in health) 生病 (in general situation) 境况不佳 (wicked) 不道德的 bù dàodé de to lead a bad life 过放荡的生活 it is bad (of sb) to do sth (某人)做某事是不对的 (naughty) 淘气的 táoqì de child, conduct; 不听话的 bù tīnghuà de animal (offensive) 无礼的 wúlǐ de word; 坏的 huài de habit (sorry, guilty) 愧疚的 kuìjiù de to feel bad about sth/doing sth 对某事/做某事感到歉疚 (harmful) 有害的 yǒuhài de to be bad for sb/sth; «alcohol, worrying, weather» 对某人/某事物有害 (inappropriate) 不适合的 bù shìhé de weather, place, exampleyou picked a bad moment to ask him 你问他问得不是时候 (severe, serious) 严重的 yánzhòng de mistake, damage; 拥挤的 yōngjǐ de traffic; 强烈的 qiángliè de shock, stormto have bad toothache 牙痛得厉害 a bad cold 重感冒 to look bad 看上去很严重 (counterfeit or invalid) 伪造的 wěizào de note, money; 无效的 wúxiào de loan, insurance claim (insufficient) 少的 shǎo de pay, salary; 低的 dī de price, rate of interestthe kitchen is not a bad size 厨房不算小 B. noun uncountable (evil, wickedness) 邪恶 xié'è the conflict between good and bad 善恶之间的斗争 to go to the bad dated 堕落 uncountable (unpleasantness, unfavourableness) 不幸 bùxìng to take the bad with the good 经历人生的顺逆 to be to the bad (disadvantageous) 处于不利地位 (in deficit) 亏损 plus plural verb the bad (wicked people) 坏人 huàirén C. adverb (mainly US) informal 非常 fēicháng want, need; 严重地 yánzhòng de hurthe beat her up real bad 他狠狠地揍了她一顿 to have got it bad (enthusiastic) 走火入魔 (in love) 坠入爱河




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