

fān verb 翻转reverse 把唱片翻个面 flip a record 翻到另一页 turn to a fresh page 小船翻了。 The little boat capsized. 翻跟头 翻找look through 翻查记录 rummage around among the records 那帮盗匪把屋子翻了个底朝天。 The burglars turned the house upside down. 他翻遍了所有的口袋才找到了钥匙。 He searched all his pockets before he found the key. 翻箱倒柜 变换change 花样翻新 翻译translate 翻成英语/汉语 translate sth into English/Chinese 这首诗翻得不错。 This poem is well translated. 不和fall out 为遗产与同胞手足闹翻了 fall out with siblings over an inheritance 他俩因意见分歧而翻了脸。 The two of them fell out over differences in opinion. 推翻overturn 翻案, 翻供 成倍增加multiply 翻两番 quadruple 越过cross 翻过篱笆 climb over a hedge 翻过山头 cross a mountain




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