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lǎo A. adjective 年龄大old 妈妈老多了。 Mum has aged considerably. 他看上去比实际年龄要老。 He looks old for his age. 老大哥, 老奶奶, 老人 有经验experienced 老战士 war veteran 老作家 veteran writer 老兵, 老干部, 老手 时间久long-standing 老关系 long-standing connections 老朋友 old friend 老习惯 old habit 老字号 陈旧old-fashioned 老思想 old-fashioned ideas 老规矩, 老脑筋 先前former 老地方 same old place 他还是老样子。 He is still his former self. 他还是那个老脾气。 He’s still got the same old temperament. 老毛病 指颜色dark 老红/绿/蓝 dark red/green/blue 指蔬菜overgrown 芹菜长老了。 The celery is overgrown. 指食物overdone 煮老了的鸡蛋 hard-boiled eggs 牛排要嫩的还是老的? Do you like your steak rare or well-done? Chemistry ageing 老化 informal 最年幼youngest 老闺女 youngest daughter B. noun 老年人old people 敬老 show respect for the aged 尊老爱幼 respect the old and care for the young 用于称呼[used to address a venerable old man]李老 our revered Mr Li C. adverb 长时间for a long time 那屋老没人住。 The room has been left vacant for a long time. 他最近老害头痛。 He has been suffering from headaches lately. 经常often 她老迟到。 She is always late. 小时候我老去那When I was small, I often went there. 非常very 老早就来了 came very early 嘴撅得老高 give an exaggerated pout D. prefix 用于动植物前[used before some names of animals and plants]老虎, 老鼠, 老玉米 用于姓氏前[used before a person's surname indicating seniority]老高 Lao Gao 用于排行[used before 大 and 二,三,四 and other numerals indicating order of birth or rank]吴家老二 second son/daughter of the Wu’s 老大E. verb informal euphemistic pass away 他家老了人了。 The old man of that family passed away.




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