

zhònɡ A. adjective 重量大heavy 工作负担太重 have too heavy a work load 这箱子太重,我搬不动。 This box is too heavy for me to move. 重要important 以国事为重 put national interest above everything else 以友谊为重 set store by friendship 重地, 重镇 程度深serious 伤势很重 be very seriously wounded 私心很重 be extremely selfish 恩重如山 不轻率solemn 隆重, 慎重 数量大considerable in amount 重金 a large sum of money B. noun weight 重达100吨 reach the weight of 100 tons 这块石头有多重? How much does this stone weigh? 净重, 失重C. verb attach importance to 重调查研究 lay stress on investigation and research 器重 chónɡ




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