

pèi A. verb 两性结合join in marriage 才子配佳人。 A fine scholar and a beautiful girl make a good match. 配偶, 婚配 使交配mate 配马/猪 mate horses/pigs 配种, 交配 调配mix 配鸡尾酒 mix cocktails 配颜色 match up colours 配药 make up a prescription 搭配, 调配 分派apportion 配一名秘书 designate a secretary (to sb) 给办公室配台打印机 provide a printer for the office 配备, 分配 补足find sth to fit or replace sth else 配零件 replace parts 配钥匙 have a duplicate key cut 陪衬be in harmony with 配乐诗朗诵 recite a poem to the accompaniment of music 红花配绿叶 green leaves setting off red flowers 窗帘的颜色与家具的颜色很相配。 The curtain goes perfectly with the furniture. 配殿, 配角 有资格deserve 他不配当老师。 He is not qualified to be a teacher. 她的穿着和她的年龄很不相配。 She doesn’t dress right for her age. 般配 充军exile 发配B. noun mate 择配 choose one’s mate 原配




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