

词汇 current
current | BrE ˈkʌr(ə)nt, AmE ˈkərənt | A. adjective (present) 当前的 dāngqián de situation, price; 现在的 xiànzài de boy/girlfriend, leaderthe current year/month/week 本年度/本月/本周 the current concern about pollution 当前对污染的关注 the current issue of a magazine 杂志的最近一期 (generally used or accepted) 流行的 liúxíng de opinions, beliefs, termin current use 通用中 B. noun (flow) (of electricity) 电流 diànliú ; (of water) 水流 shuǐliú ; (of air) 气流 qìliú figurative (tendency) 趋势 qūshì to go or drift with the current 随大溜 to go against the current 逆潮流而动 a current of opinion 意见倾向




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