

词汇 cushion
cushion | BrE ˈkʊʃ(ə)n, AmE ˈkʊʃən | A. noun (soft furnishing) 垫子 diànzi a seat/chair cushion 坐垫/椅垫 (protection, support) 缓冲物 huǎnchōngwù a cushion of air 气垫 a cushion between carpet and floor 地毯和地板之间的保护层 a good cushion against inflation 对抗通货膨胀的有效手段 (in snooker, billiards, pool) [台球桌内侧边缘的] 弹性衬垫 tánxìng chèndiàn to play off the cushion 打反弹球 B. transitive verb (soften impact of) 缓和…的冲击 huǎnhé… de chōngjī fall, blow (protect, support) 使免遭损害 shǐ miǎn zāo sǔnhài to cushion sb/sth against or from sth; 使某人/某物免遭某物的伤害




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