

yuē A. verb 限制restrict 约束, 制约 约定make an appointment 他们和他约好在车站见面。 They arranged him to meet at the station. 我们约个日子一起吃饭吧。 Let’s arrange a day to have dinner together. 约定, 预约 邀请invite 我想周末约几个同事吃饭。 I’d like to invite some colleagues to dinner this weekend. Mathematics reduce fractions 5/10可以约成1/2。 5/10 can be reduced to 1/2. B. noun appointment 有约在先。 Have a previous engagement. 践约, 守约C. adjective 简要brief 约言之 in short 简约 俭省economical 约减办公费 stint on office expenses 节约D. adverb around 我们估计距离约为500公里。 We reckon that the distance is about 500 kilometres. yāo




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