

词汇 comment
comment | BrE ˈkɒmɛnt, AmE ˈkɑmɛnt | A. noun countable and uncountable (remark(s)) 评论 pínglùn to make comments (about sth) (对某事物)作评论 no comment 无可奉告 without comment 不加评论地 a comment on or about sth; 对某事物的意见 countable Literature 注解 zhùjiě edited by J. Jones with comments by S. Smith 由J.琼斯编辑并由S.史密斯注释的 countable (unfavourable reflection) 批评 pīpíng to be a comment on sth; 是对某事物的指责 uncountable (response) 意见 yìjiàn the plans were sent to the council for comment 计划已呈送委员会征求意见 to evoke comment 引发议论 B. transitive verb 评论 pínglùn to comment that …; 评论说… C. intransitive verb (make remark) 评论 pínglùn to comment on sth/sb 对某事物/某人发表意见 Literature «scholar, text» 作评注 zuò píngzhù to comment on sth; 对某事物作评注




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