

词汇 秦始皇
秦始皇 Qín Shǐhuánɡ noun History Emperor Qin Shihuang [259-210 BC, the first emperor in Chinese history, who unified China in 221 BC] 秦始皇The founding emperor of the Qin Dynasty who, between 230-221 BC, brought to an end the rivalries of the Warring States, establishing the first centrally-controlled kingdom in Chinese history. Qin Shihuang unified the legal system and standardized currency, weights and measures, as well as the written language. He also constructed the Great Wall (长城) that stretches from present-day Gansu Province to the area east of the Liao River. Qin Shihuang was notorious for burning many books, and for having more than 460 Confucian scholars and alchemists buried alive (known as 焚书坑儒).




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