

词汇 commission
commission | BrE kəˈmɪʃ(ə)n, AmE kəˈmɪʃən | A. noun countable (committee) 委员会 wěiyuánhuì a commission on human rights 人权委员会 uncountable and countable (payment for goods sold) 佣金 yòngjīn to work (for sb) on commission or on a commission basis; 以拿佣金的方式(为某人)工作 countable (professional fee) 手续费 shǒuxùfèi countable (order, instruction) 委托 wěituō ; (piece of work) 受委托创作的作品 shòu wěituō chuàngzuò de zuòpǐn to have a commission to do sth 受委托做某事 to get a commission from sb 得到某人的委托 countable Military 委任状 wěirènzhuàng to resign one's commission 辞去委任的军职 uncountable formal (perpetration) (of crime, sin) the commission of a crime 犯罪 fànzuì uncountable (operation) to be in commission; «vehicle, equipment, system» 在使用中 the new submarine will be in commission in June 新潜艇将在6月投入服役 to be out of commission; «vehicle, equipment, system» 不能使用 «person» 不能工作 bù néng gōngzuò to put the boat out of commission 弃用那条船 he'll be out of commission for the World Cup 他将不能征战世界杯 B. transitive verb (order) 委托创作 wěituō chuàngzuò work of art, music, painting; 委托写 wěituō xiě book, report; 委托做 wěituō zuò investigationto commission an author to write a novel 约作者写小说 Military 授予…委任状 shòuyǔ… wěirènzhuàng a commissioned officer 军官 he was commissioned as an officer in 1972 他于1972年被任命为军官 (prepare for service) 将…投入使用 jiāng… tóurù shǐyòng vehicle, equipment, systemthe power station will be commissioned next March 电站将于明年3月投入使用




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